Forget then. Who are you now?
As the summer air starts to chill in Austin after a brutal few months of triple-digit heat, I’m reminded of the power and consistency of change.
We are always changing, weaving through the cycles and seasons of our life.
There’s a rhythm that starts to form.
Are you aware of the rhythm?
Are you aware of who you were you in the last cycle of your being?
Of who you’re on track to becoming in the next cycle of your being?
Who are you now?
Without awareness of the rhythm, we fall victim to our whims and autopilot settings that more likely than not, send us into regression rather than growth in the areas we want to address - in business, in our health, in our relationships, our personal goals, etc.
There’s a version of you that you had to be to get to where you are now, and in every cycle of your development, you did the best you could with what you had from where you were at that time.
Read that again.
Maybe you have shame around the parts of you that acted from a place that craved safety and survival. Who acted out of necessity, and bore fruits that aren’t quite what you envisioned for yourself at this time.
Today I want to empower you to move beyond your attachments and judgments of this old version of yourself, and have awareness that in order create the future life of your dreams outside of you, you need to take responsibility to nurture what you are devoted to growing within you now.
What do you want to create?
All the power that ever was or will be is here now.
And a new cycle begins.